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I Pee When I Laugh: Is This Normal?

Leaking urine when you laugh is not funny. It is both embarrassing and worrisome. It can lead to isolation for fear of urinating in public.

Pregnant woman standing on scale at home.

Pregnant Weight Gain: What to Expect

Being pregnant is one of the very few times it is actually healthy to gain weight. However, forget that business about eating for two. You

pregnant woman wiping nose with a facial tissue.

How Pregnancy Affects The Immune System

We might call it an old wives tale, but scientists used to think a woman’s immune system became weaker when she was pregnant. We have

woman at obgyn appointment.

The Importance of Postpartum Check-ups

After you give birth to that beautiful baby of yours, everything seems to be about the baby. You understood that during pregnancy, your own health